D-Day, Alan Turing – The Imitation Game and His Legacy

During this week in which we recognized the 80th anniversary of D-Day, those interested in world history, the history of computers, how AI developed, or human rights should watch “The Imitation Game,” available on Netflix. This movie tells the story of...

“From Black Death to AI Revolution”

Charting Humanity’s Next Great Leap Picture a world rising from the Black Death’s aftermath, on the verge of dramatic change. Enter the printingpress, the catalyst for the Renaissance, marking a profound shift from the Middle Ages to...

“AI Evolution: Toddlers Today, Olympians Tomorrow?”

image: Doris Liou Today, The New York Times published a compelling article exploring the interaction dynamics between the Chinese Chatbot Ernie from Baidu and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This amusing and informative piece certainly makes for an enjoyable read. ...

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